Chapters: Homepage / Deathmatch / Capture The Flag
"No Quote 4 U!"

DM Pages: Index / Classes / Credits


This is the Homepage for BYOC:DM Reclassed, a Deathmatch rebalance mod for BYOC created by Porkyspal.

Inspired by DavidTheLime's original BYOC DM patch, BYOC:DM Reclassed rebalances the roster 
and adds a few other fixes/tweaks to make the game smoother in a DM setting.

We usually run servers at the address [BYOC-RC] BYOC Deathmatch.
Check your Doombrowser (Or join the discord) to see if we're up!

Join our Community Discord for more information/updates!

(formatted month/day/year)

2/10/2025: BYOC v2.0 HAS BEEN RELEASED!!! antaramize created the code for the Stupid Rat Dance!!!
We are credited in the Manual as, "BYOC Deathmatch Team", but it is all antaramize's work that got added! Thank him! 
While we work on porting Deathmatch to it, expect more CTF / Normal COOP Servers from us!

2/8/2025: Released v5 of Reclassed! Fixing a few bugs still.

1/6/2025: Released v4 of Reclassed, the (hopefully) final version before v2.0 of BYOC releases. 
Also updated the site! Currently Taking After's layout style while the REAL site interface is worked on... eventually.

12/29/2025: The site was born! Technically not accessible until v4's inclusion of the site link on the scoreboard, but eh!

It's Town Tennie! He's resting up...

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