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+ All classes' HP is increased and their Hit reg. fixed. + Health Pickups give more HP. + Removed (pretty much) every Insta-kill attack. Exceptions apply to a few BFG’s and AVGN’s Odyssey Shotgun. + Replaced Earthworm Jim 2!!! With the Mario Paint Baby Face. Generally, every class has been tweaked in one way or another. This page only lists the classes with bigger changes/reworks.
+ Speed is set to 1.5 (0.5 faster than most classes). + The Rock (On return) deals 50 Damage to you instead of 100. + Sniper Rifle Zooms in less. + Revolver now deals 1 Damage per shot to the user. + Chainsaw Reworked. - HP decreased to 275. - Mass is now 25. - Forshu Bomb's explosion now deals 150 damage, and hurts the user as well. - Peddito’s Damage Radius is decreased.
+ Increased Meter on Ammo Pickup. + Bottle Throw Level 1 now has gravity, breaks into Bottle Shards on hit, and leaves a puddle of Beer! (Thanks antaramize!) + Bottle Throw Level 2 leaves a damaging puddle of Beer and Glass. + Vomit Level 2 Shoots Plasma, Level 4 Shoots Rockets. + Mini Pigs throw Bottles and can be attacked. + Teleporting spawns three Mini Pigs in your place. + Speed while in Godking Mode is Increased. + Using the Holy Bibble gives a permanent HP buff until you die. - Can be damaged while in Godking Mode
BOB & bob
+ Super Meter Charges quicker. (Notif for Super Meter Charge is bugged.)
+ HP Increased to 400. + Melee Range Increased. + Speed increased to 1.25. + Punches now deal 65 damage, the Haymaker Swing now deals 85 + Tons of Knockback.
+ HP Increased to 400. + Speed increased to 0.75. + Minigun Spread reduced. + Starts with Minigun.
+ Shotgun's Dust effect now deals 5 damage on its own. The Shotgun's full blast also deals extra damage. + Metal Slug Invincibility Timer is now 10 seconds (Applies to Marco as well after it's destroyed).
+ All Rupees give 100x (or so) their base amount. + Rupee Bag gives 1000 Ruppes per use (Increases w/ levels).
+ Holzhammer now adds lots of velocity to the user. + Pan reflects projectiles.
+ All Weapons start at Level 2. + The XP Limit for every weapon is now 3000. + All Weapons deal much more damage. + Nemesis Level 3 Projectiles Explode on Death. + XP is not lost on Upgrade Weapons. + Gaining XP on hit is much faster. + Added Quote's Fists.
Edited Pickup Quotes. Edited Sprites (Eye is always white). + Energy Hammer's Swing Effect now deals 15 damage. - Super Crossbow shoots 3 arrows instead of 5.
+ Speed increased to 1.25. + The Uzis now deal 8 damage per bullet. + Rifle now deals 15 damage per shot. + Damage increase for Knives and Aerosol. - Stress Slowdowns and Boosts are much more powerful. - Bear Shotgun now shoots 5 pellets at once (Was 7). - All Stored Ammo Counts have been either lowered by a little bit or decreased immensely.
Edited Obituary Quotes. Edited Sound Effects. + Slight buffs to lower slot weapons. + The Remote has been reworked, firing a Bouncy Couch for the primary and the TV for the EX move. + The EX Move for Beer now shoots out ammo pickups. - TV projectiles deal 25 damage. - Now Costs 100 cell ammo to use The Remote.
+ Pens deal 5 damage per Pen (Was 2). + Beer Bottle leftovers deal 10-15 damage (Was 1). Healing Beer can now be collected by AVGN. - Decreased Damage from F-Bomb and Super Scope. - F-Bomb Ammo Decreased.
+ Fake Monsters Explode on Death. - Most attacks are severely weakened. - Movement Speed Decreased. - Summons are shootable.
+ HP increased to 400. - Sniper Rifle deals 150 damage (Was 200). - Cannon Altfire now deals 50 Damage on hit, explosion deals 100 (Total of 150).
+ Rage Charges quicker. + Banjo gives 50 Rage on hit. + Playing the Banjo gives a slight defense buff. + Gumbo heals 150 Health on self-consumption. + Gumbo Poisons others who pick it up.
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