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This is our website for BYOC: Reclassed, but you knew that already!
Bring Your Own Class has no (balanced) functionality for Player versus Player gameplay. A user by the name of DavidTheLime had originally made a patch for BYOC that changed some health values, and labeled it BYOC Deathmatch! Many months, maybe even years, after DavidTheLime had uploaded this patch, I (Porkyspal) and Shitxel found it! Me and Shitxel were very fond of obscure Multiplayer games (Jabroni Brawl 3, Fist Full O' Frags, Half Life CTF Mod...), and so a obscure mod for DOOM was right up our alley! Especially DM, which was a brilliant idea for a mod of this size. It's like the Super Smash Brothers of DOOM! Eventually, Shitxel and I wanted to rebalance the mod, due to the lack of rebalancing and a bunch of bugs that made some weapons completely unusable. This became BYOC:DM Reclassed. Along with this, I made a map pack full of edited DWANGO maps, labeled DWANGO: Reclassed, but that's less important! As more and more updates and patches came to Reclassed, I eventually met antaramize via the Unofficial BYOC Server, and he helped code some of the new PTG mechanics seen in Reclassed! (Specifically, the Beer Bottle splashes!) As time went on, I slowed down on working with BYOC and DOOM in general, as Shitxel had left the project for some time, and he was really the only other person playing regularly. Eventually, a few people came to me and asked for some BYOC help, leading to a revival of Reclassed after they wanted to play regularly. After some time, antaramize joined and started working on a Peppino port for Humanz versus Freaks. This lead to BYOC:CTF!!! A similar simmer happened with it, as once me and Shitxel got back into DOOM and started playing BYOC:CTF, we adored it and begged antaramize to continue development. So he did! The work antaramize has done for BYOC:CTF was eventually recognized by some major members of the actual BYOC team, thus leading to Basinga asking to add antaramize's code for the Stupid Rat Dance to BYOC v2.0. The "BYOC Deathmatch Team" is now credited in the BYOC v2.0 Manual! But it really was all antaramize's work that was added!!! Thank him!!! As for the future of Reclassed, now that v2.0 is out, we're full steam ahead on working on adding All-New Classes for DM and/or CTF. Our current project is Reworking the Noise! We've already got most of the Overworld sprites redone, and now that v2.0 is out we can finally get to programming and spriting the new stuff! Thanks for Fragging! - The BYOC: Reclassed Team
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